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Case Study

NFSC 403: Sports Nutrition


Skill Area: Sports Nutrition, Medical Nutrition Therapy

Assignment Title: Sports Nutrition Case Study 1


What I learned: In this assignment, I was given a case study on an athlete and I learned how to adjust his macronutrient intake to help fit his lifestyle and his goals.


Reflection to this assignment: This assignment made me realize the difficulties that are associated with dealing with an actual person. I realized it is easy to memorize numbers in class, but applying these numbers to an actual person is very different.

Relevance to profession: In regards to general dietetics, being able to work with all kinds of people is a requirement as a dietitian. It is important to truly understand a person and their lifestyle and their views in order to fully help better this person. In relation to sports nutrition, this is how the career would be everyday. Meeting with various athletes to address their current situation and look to make them better.

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